The Dems are not going to accept Trump as president, ever.
With the Congress in Rep hands and the outlook in the midterms better than excellent for the republicans, why do we give a flying F if the asshat
Libs accept trump?
You’re misunderstanding the current situation.
This wasn’t a REP victory. The REP machine opposed Trump dang near to the same degree as the Dem machine.
Trump defeated the Dems, the Reps AND the media.
This is gonna be a long fight. Everything that matters is at stake. This is our last chance to take back our country and culture from the destructionist domestic enemy filth.
I think my elementary school colleagues had a phrase for this:
“Like it or lump it!”
“With the Congress in Rep hands and the outlook in the midterms better than excellent for the republicans, why do we give a flying F if the asshat
Libs accept trump?”
They control 95% of the megaphones and will use them to gaslight as many people as they can reach.