Requiring a college degree was a reaction to the EEOC guidelines that begun a few decades ago: businesses needed a means of discriminating against bad workers, regardless of race, sex, etc., and at the time a college degree indicated that a person could read and write English sufficiently, analyze at least somewhat critically, and had the traits of showing up and fulfilling assignments. A bachelor’s degree no longer ensures any of the above to be the case, except in specific vocations such as BSN (nursing), or for certain colleges whose standards go against the progressive grain, such as Hillsdale College and Liberty University.
This is along the lines of what I was looking for.
So the government is in a win-win situation here, then.
The government gets to grant itself massive controls over how companies operate, and as a "backlash", corporations require collegiate indoctrination which in turn guarantees more government. The indoctrinated will be voting on election day.
I would like to know more about the ramifications of the EEOC, in this context, just the be sure.