The Trump victory seems to have unleashed a flood of Parenting In Public, mostly of the ‘What do I tell my child?’ variety.
In other words, it’s poorly disguised narcissism...the same kind that has Facebookers posting two dozen photos per day of their little darlings doing absolutely naff all.
I want to know what they tell their children about partial-birth abortion and Hillary’s support for it - even abortion in general. I also want them to take half their children’s belongings and food and give them to the illegal invaders; that is what they are forcing us to do.
Anyone who supports the de facto amnesty is profiting from it, either via a government job that needs clients (like schoolteachers) or by renting/selling things to them (in exchange for untaxed cash).
NJ is becoming a huge black market economy; working for and paying cash for illegal apartments and such.