Okay people...lots of pearl clutching here. A few squishes were bailing. Yawn...They weren’t really going to vote for Trump anyway.
The evil doers are pulling out all the stops...the artillery is dropping in the fox holes and what are some doing here...cutting and running.
Big ol Media got you down?
Hillary scaring you.
Get a grip soldiers this is war.
Hit the social medias and spread the world...Hell’s a coming and his bringing The Donald with him. Fight these globalists anyway you can. A cowards are running away to the safety of Hillary’s skirts...let em...when we return fire, we will know where they are...
Hold tight gentlemen, (and ladies)...Be Prepared to go over the Top. Start those conversations in barber shops and grocery store lines about How Hillary sold out the country for a few dimes. Tell em how Tarp Money got funneled back to the DNC...its all there in the drops...the ammo is there.
You Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen are on the front lines of this battle...you encounter real voters everyday...It is up to you and I and all of us to attache the bayonets and put’em to work...
That is all...
I remember starting a big threat of Tsunami with you.
I am in Charlotte and the Marine Station @ Parris Island is getting hit hard. The kids will get a big lesson in service.
It will help them in their growth.
I am on call for all of the coast. Good to “see” you again.