Cardio goes by size and place of leak if it is to be replaced. BP meds cause dizzy spells I’ve seen my hubby lose his balance a lot due to that factor. All he takes is a baby aspirin and a BP med occasionally HCTZ water pill for leg swelling. Has minor plaque in arteries so 2 types of cholesterol meds one for Tris and one for LDL, his HDL is in the basement. Full Cardio test is about 3 hrs long even with chem stress test and it’s done fasting no fluids, no meds prior either.
Hopefully, everything will be well treated and controlled with your DH. I have two valves they are watching for similar reasons. One was a bit off before chemo. But, a second valve was damaged, The first valve was damaged even more after the high dose chemo. I get dizzy spells and palpitations. Always had perfect bp before this mess, but now I take meds for BP. Right now that’s the least of my problems. Hopefully, it won’t get worse so I can just concentrate on other more serious issues.