Wrong - I visit a lot of other sites, including quite a few that are predominantly < 40 - and he I guarantee you is winning votes for DT. You can pretend to think you know < 35 but the truth is you don’t. (rightly or wrongly) they don’t care about gay sex...they just don’t. You are going to have to win them on economic and nationalism first and hope as they age they become more socially conservative. At the very least people like Milo want conservative judges.
They don’t care about gay sex; they care that he upsets them with his wit and political incorrectness. It may amuse and tantalize us but it doesn’t get him a single vote on campus. They’re children! They’ll either vote for Hillary or sit home.
I always love how poor Christina Hoff-Sommers looks down at her hands when he starts going on about his black male lovers!