Posted this on a related thread:
Hillary Clinton’s Coughing Fit Ends Press Gaggle on Plane
The real news isnt that her coughing fit continued on the plane, but rather how she intends to use her captive plane press.
Cough be damned, that sound-bite was a scheduled part of the days PR.
Listen to what she is saying to trash Trump.
If her massive coughing fit hadnt become the story, she would have had a three-fer.
Spoke at the annual event (with a built-in crowd) for about 10 min? and gave 2 press sound-bites on the plane-one before and one after her coughathon mini-speech.
1 minute:
Call it a day and back to bed. Only fly in the campaign ointment was her coughing breakdowns -— that she can’t control.