And I trust Mark Levin will vote for Trump simply because he, too, knows it's the only way to stop the Hildebeast and thereby save what little is left of the Constitution from total destruction.
This "Cruzbot" sh*t needed to go away once our nominee gave his acceptance speech, if not before. It only serves to help Hillary.
United, we stand. Divided, we fall.
I just don't get the anti-trump sentiment from the right. I heard a little bit of Pence in Laura Ingraham yesterday and he used that same old snake oil speak that so many of us have grown sick of. Here is the VP candidate and when speaking of what Trump's policies he started every sentence with "I believe" then further watered down any answer with generalities.
Trump, on the other hand, does not ever do that. He is more likely to give a wrong answer and explain it later.