We simply can not allow these ClowardPivenAlinskyites to continue to claim they are American. They are clearly traitors and need to be dealt with as such.
Honestly, and unquestionably, we've gone from the Robber Baron era, to this era in which ‘pedigree’ is everything. It's very much like Britain, where they claim to be socialist but have just as hierarchical system as any they had when a King or Queen was fully in charge.
People like Cokie Roberts (who went to the same ‘community college’, Wellesley, that the unethical criminal Hillary went to) think they are moral, intellectual, social justice warriors. In reality they none of those things, and if they are honest with themselves when they go to bed at night they will admit that they look down their noses at people who they consider to be part of the underclass. They assuage whatever guilt they have about this by pretending (or self-deluding) to be champions of the poor and or minorities. That's because the poor and minorities, as they think of them, are a homogeneous conceptual abstraction - not really real.
They don't champion or care about lower middle class or middle class people who want to climb the ladder, and who might own a gun for self-protection, who don't want their way of life to rapidly shift, whose concept of religion is not as ‘advanced’ as the hierarchy thinks theirs is, and who might like the message given by a man who says he wants Americans to matter first. These are the people that Cokie and her friends wouldn't ever associate with, and who they routinely bash as neanderthal throwbacks whenever they have the chance. These are the people whose children go to state universities, or even local community colleges, if they go to college at all, so how could they be ‘smart and progressive’ like all of Cokie’s friends in Washington who have the right educational pedigree? It's an astounding Marie Antoinette style of elitism that they practice, while ironically parading as champions of ‘the people’. It's really, really, really sick.