Gateway Pundit published the story today with the Breaking headline and saying new emails had been dumped. I have no idea why GP linked to a story from The Hill from July 13. I assume these emails are different than the ones Wikileaks posted.
I hear you. The problem is Hoft. But it’s not just him, it’s become pervasive. All over the net there are pieces that headline “breaking” or similar bait to suck us in...we read eagerly...and if we take the time to click back to the original article we find it’s days or weeks old.
Very frustrating but a lesson for us to pay attention to- go back to original article and check date.
There’s some very clever attempts online to confuse and blur and misinform the public. Lots of us trust anything we read IF it fits with what we believe or hope. Others trust but VERIFY. We’re all going to have to get better at the latter if we expect to find the truth about the world.