Starting a thread with...
"Donald Trump has built his candidacy upon his appeal to and encouragement of every kind of bigotry. He has categorized millions of Latinx people as criminals, called women dogs and pigs, and promised to ban Muslims - a diverse population over 1 billion strong - from entering the U.S. His words are entrenched in racism, sexism, and xenophobia, and they have incited violence against women and people of color at his rallies and throughout our nation."
Under the pretense of "informing" us, this drumbeat of repeated claims of "bigotry" is a blatant attempt to create "facts" by repetition, and the NIVs even in Free Republic (yes, we have way too many of those, too) are expected to reinforce the flat out lies or manufactured propaganda.
Just buzz off, please.
Guess you’d have to, I dunno, read my other posts and realize...ya know....I didn’t write this one. A barf alert might have helped people like you, but I thought it was so obviously trash talk from Dem operatives I didn’t think I needed to alert anyone. You can always alert the mods if you think others unwilling to investigate or use their judgement might be confused too. Otherwise, this would be a good time for you to, naturally, buzz off.