Seems crazy doesn’t it?
So if someone is breaking in, you have to let them break all the way in, and put yourself in harms way, in order to defend yourself?
The perps had the wrong house? Really?? Do they routinely break into someone’s house? Do they routinely break windows in a house of someone they know, in order to get inside?? Something doesn’t add up here.
A drunk 15 year old breaks into a house and the owner is charegd with murder because he shot the kid. WTH?
The homeowner will be ruined defending himself, but I have to think he cannot be convicted based on the story of the surviving co-perps. Wouldn’t they be culpable for murder in MA if they were committing a felony home invasion at the time their pal was shot? Such a massive incentive to lie should negate their yarn, with the benefit of the doubt going to the shooter. Absent other evidence or some idiotic statement by the defendant, I can’t see this as a justifiable prosecution.
I suspect that the group members among them have an extensive history of break-ins, robberies, and assaults that will be kept secret since they are juveniles. I hope someone archived all their social media before the scrubbing.