Make a deal to appoint him to the Supreme Court. Senate would approve him to get him out of the Senate.
I, for one, DO NOT want him anywhere near the Supreme Court.
So you want to reward him with a lifetime appointment with all the perks and benefits?
No, that was last February. Now, he should not be rewarded in any way for his continued doubledealing and backstabbing. I don’t think you can kick him out of the party, but I would make sure he got zero support.
Hell NO! Are you out of your mind? I wouldn’t want him anywhere near the Supreme Court. It needs cleaning up as it is. Cruz is a CUBNADIAN. He isn’t even eligible and knows it, but thinks he’s snowed enough idiots to run for prez in 2020.
Court appointments should have NOTHING to do with “deals”. Besides, Trump owes him nothing.