F this.
If true, the only solution is to ship this primative culture back to their continent of origin.
After all, Africa is such a bastion of successful countries.
CW-II, closer in the mirror than it appears.
Just think if you are long term veteran black officer who worked their way up to plum patrol areas...
Now they going to toss you into the jungle
I don’t agree with the racial aspect of this. Check the statistics on officer-involved shootings, and I suspect white officers are actually less likely to shoot black people overall. But, racial aspect aside, I think police actually should be known to and a part of the communities they patrol.
Cue Seinfeld saying, “Oh yeah, THAT’s gonna end well...”
Why stop with segregating the police into black neighborhoods. Complete segregation in all aspects of our society may be best. It worked for 200 years and we had peace, quiet and growth and expansion as a nation.
It may be useful for a time, but short-sighted. I would offer additional pay for agreeing to police in black and gang neighborhoods, refuse to have squad cars with less than 50% minority representation and make participation in black and gang neighborhoods a plus when considering promotions.
If black faces diffuse the anti-cop attitudes in inner cities then, by all means, let’s give them what they want but let’s not make it exclusionary or make black officers think they *must* work bad neighborhoods without additional benefits accruing.
If the community is 12% black, 70% white, and the remainder Hispanic, does each officer have to be 12% black, 70% white, and the remainder Hispanic? And shouldn’t this forced equality extend to religion, gender, disability, etc.? Each police officer must be 12% black, 70% white, and the remainder Hispanic, 51% female, 47% male, 2% undecided, 4% Muslim, 18% Catholic, etc.
Good luck finding even one person who qualifies.
Only racism can stop racism. Yeah, right.
OK, and you can pay for your ‘communities’ too. We’ll see how long that lasts.
Do it unannounced by reassigning personnel gradually and see what happens. Might help, might not, but worth a try.
“People know their community; they know their culture; and I think that can make a difference.
This “culture” crap drives me nuts.
The councilman continued, Because that will eliminate second-guessing.
Right.... Because Black Police officer being attacked by some scum black criminal is not going to defend himself against a black scum criminal. Got you.
Translation: Fox gets job at hen house.
If that was implemented, the left would be screaming it’s racist to make only black officers police the most dangerous areas of the city.
I agree with this guy 100%.....Been saying it for YEARS....Let BLACK cops police other BLACKS.....I have nothing to say anymore about it...You know where i stand....Excellent idea!!!!!!!!!!
Give the cities to ‘the blacks’. They are the superior race. Look at Detroit.
per conversation
hello, 911? yes. We need a police officer, somebody is trying to break into our home. ok. What race do you identify as? Black. ok. We’ll be there in 4 and a half hours. What? yes. 4 and a half hours. Why? there’s a backlog of calls from your area for a black officer. Operator? yes. We self identify as white. ok. See you in 2 minutes.
Sharia Law promotion. Not a good move.