My kids discovered this game in the last couple of days. They did say this was probably going to lead to people trying to do it while doing something else. It does actually get people out walking around, and looking around, though.
When I was driving earlier today, my son said he spotted a pokemon character, which proceeded to “run” alongside our car, on the median strip, for a little bit (as seen from his cell phone, not in real life). This must rely on Google Earth or something, because it melds the game with real world surroundings.
time will tell whether this game has legs or not....... (yes, pun intended).
That’s actually kind of cool!
“It does actually get people out walking around, and looking around...”
Yes, but it just hammers home the fact that we have become a nation of sloths when we need a stupid mobile app to motivate people to get off their a$$ and do something besides watch TV, play video games or eat.
WTF??? A Pokeman character “ran” alongside your car? But it was on the computer??? OMG!! I am SO glad I’m OLD!!!