That may be true. However, the incident for me represents more of a quirk of human nature than anything else. Neither we nor the other passengers had paid for first class; therefore, none of us deserved to receive it.
I did, one time, fly first class. That was because I had arrived for an overbooked flight, and I was traveling on orders. I had to wait until the last minute for the flight crew to find me a seat, and that seat just happened to be an aisle seat in first class. To compound the situation, the woman in the window seat asked if I would mind trading, since her husband was in the aisle seat in the next row up. Oh, break my heart--first class AND a seat with a view, all for the price of coach! (I like sitting next to the window; it distracts me from the fact that I'm in a small, crowded, enclosed space.)
All’s well that ends well when presented with pleasant surprises.