Sounds like the Brits are as FED UP as we are with strangers taking over their country!!!! I sincerely hope Brexit passes it will piss off Obammie big time!!! Just for that reason they should vote YES!!!!
Those who haven’t drunk the Multiculti CoolAid sure are Fedup. I face maybe even slightly stronger than that....
What a beautiful result that would be. Out of the EU and one in the Eye to Obama. :)
I watched the debates. Impressions, well the Scottish woman reminded me of Rosie O’Donnell, in look and demeanor. Saddiq Khan, I thought seemed more contemptuous of the women for LEAVE, than for Boris Johnson. Also, with Kahn, the word Taqqiya popped into my head a lot.
Britons would need to vote LEAVE overwhelmingly to overcome likely Voter fraud by the powers that be.