Perhaps the megafauna could not shed body heat efficiently in the warming temperatures and died off.
Nothing like clear thinking and logic to ruin the thread...
More like the elites created an overwhelming demand for fur clothing...when there was not any real need...and no PETA to stop the ensuing massacre.
You are closer to the truth than you realize. Cold climates make mega fauna more efficient as body mass increases faster than surface area as an animal grows larger. Thus cold temperatures do not consume as much metabolic energy as a small body trying to stay warm. Blue Whales, the largest animal on earth range from the arctic to the equator. Their biggest problem is not the cold of the arctic but getting rid of body heat in the tropics.
It also makes them susceptible to the Man-Dog predator team.
Dogs track and run the prey to exhaustion, and hold them umtil the men come up and kill them with standoff weapons like spears and bows.
It is an incredibly efficient hunting machine.
Described to me by Dr. Smythe doing research on a grant from the Smithsonian, while I was in Panama.
Perhaps warmer temperature meant that humans were better able to survive, shorter winter starvation periods. Thus hunting more large animals who may have been having trouble with the warmer temperatures as suggested. Probably both causes and others not yet mentioned.