The first sentence of the article refers to it as being
‘long awaited’. Oh, yeah? By whom?
I’d not heard of this effort until several months ago, and my immediate reaction was, ‘What’s the point in doing this, especially with a female cast?’
I remember seeing original versions of films - even silly ones like this - and being impacted by their imagination and creativity. Back to the Future and Star Wars are other examples. Sad that inventive material like this turns into derivative money-making and marketing opportunities, especially when they’re tech-ed up with modern spfx & CGI, and injected with liberal pet memes and PC crap, like ‘climate change’ or an LGBT agenda.
Sequels are sometimes less offensive, because they generally represent a continuation of the story, often with many of the principal cast members. But this often goes astray, too. Look at Exorcist 2, or follow the original JAWS through to JAWS 3D.
Ooops. Misread the first line. It says ‘long UNawaited’. Well, I stand by the rest of my comment, anyway...
The studio guy/gal that thought it was a good idea to greenlight the spending of money on the production?