It is interesting that most American corporations have not figured out that is cheaper to retain customers than to go out and get new ones to replace the lost ones that they have driven away with substandard service. And insulting your longstanding customers by charging them more is one way to do that.
Let me pass on a caveat regarding Dish Network. Their parent company is one of if not the largest collection agency in the country. They have a rather bad reputation for going after people for their mistakes in terms of billing.
I recommend keeping a paper trail of all my doings with them and keeping it for years after you stop dealing with him. Because you can get turned over to collection a long time after you’re no longer doing business with them.
I still have my original agreement with DISH, along with all of my bills and hard copy/email payment confirmations. I have scanned all of these as they come in and have kept the digital record ... not only for this but for everything else that I make payments on ... car loan, electrical bills, water bills, etc. I’m not going to let them be the only one with a paper trail in the event of a disagreement.