It is hard for him to conceal his backing of Cruz...yet he tries. Rush’s political analysis is as spot on as it has ever been. Of all the enemies conservatives have out there, Rush isn’t one of them.
Rush has been going south for years,but never showed in the primaries whom he was supporting until this year. Rush has money and can throw it around,but it will never make him happy. He is egotistical,and wants tons of recognition and praise because ESPN and others crapped on him,he is clawing and scratching to get people to think he is the greatest, and doing all the wrong things to accomplish anything. He makes me feel bad,where the hell is the real rush? It doesn’t help that his horse-faced brother and Looney Levin are scruzebots to the nth degree. I think the number one reason that rush does, not support trump is trump will not kiss his lard ass,and all the others do,they need him,trump does not,and that probably eats at his fragile ego. I was listening to rush since 1992,but less and less in the last few years,he has really gone downhill. He sure wants to get invited back to the Lincoln bedroom,too bad he prostitutes himself for the privilege.