It’s letting Ryan know that The People aren’t going to like it if they try to steal the nomination.
Things have changed since Citizens United. Now the money has poured into K-Street from everywhere including from foreign interests. Now the pols in DC don’t need us. They are taken care of no matter what happens.
So “No Trump, No Vote” is just fine with the political establishment because it means they continue their cozy arrangement. Electing Trump ruins all that.
So “No Trump. Not Vote” plays right up their alley. That’s my point. It’s the wrong tact. It should be “Trump Is Coming For You No Matter How!”.
Trump should take the 1237 delegates and then the nomination. But if there should be a floor fight, then a 3rd Party run will be successful because registrations of Independents have surged enormously from 24% in 2010 to 42% in 2014, and there’s an additional 5% to 7% coming in from people that haven’t voted in years or never voted. Add 5% of Reagan democrats, 6% blue collar republicans who did not vote for Romney, add an additional 4% of the black vote, 5% of Hispanics and Latinos who never voted GOP, and clearly there’s a winning margin over the democrats and what’s left of the GOP.