Rush is an across the board conservative. Do you really think he’s going to get behind a guy who holds out the Canadian and Scottish health care system as a role model and who favors the individual mandate. Trump is on record supporting gun control, abortion etc. If you think that El Rushville is going to fall in line behind a guy that just became a conservative 15 minutes ago on amnesty you were sadly mistaken.
If someone still thinks that the paradigm is conservative vs liberal, they are living in the 20th century. OUR EXISTENCE as a NATION is threatened RIGHT NOW by GLOBALISTS. They are an EXISTENTIAL THREAT.
I hope we can return to our sovereignty and we conservatives can beat back liberalism. We won't even have that happen if the globalists and the muslims take over.
Remember, our issue in this election is very simple.
If we don't stop globalism, there will be no country to be conservative IN.