It is stupid to take politics out of a discussion of trade. Stupid and naive.
I agree, and that was not my intent.
Political discussions that allow for the "Invisible hand" that made America Great require a huge amount of faith.
Faith in your fellow Man. Faith that the counter parties to your transactions, whether by contract or a handshake, are honored. And when those agreements fail, the reputation and future business of the party that "failed to deliver" should take a hit. Live and learn. Caveat Emptor.
The Politicians primarily advance policies that involve force of government to "Make things fair" since it's the only thing they can control. In addition, IMHO, virtually ALL politicians seek to "protect" ignorant or stupid people by asserting themselves and some form of Government rules/regulations/laws which shifts the responsibility away from the individual parties. We are creating a "No-Fault" society that has been increasingly "re-placing" their faith in themselves for a faith in Government. Somebody should do something about that.
I blame the "Left" for this.
It's not just the politics but the fundamentals of the Lefts beliefs or lack thereof. For sixty years or more they have been sewing the seeds of uncertainty of one's self and in turn they have lost faith in others. As a result, they turn to Government to solve their problems.
I could write a book about this.