The problem is not that people are losing their jobs because of free trade. There is always going to be change and obsolescence, and there is no divine right of stagnation. The problem is that with a libtard mixed economy, it is hard to find an equivalent new job or a better job after one has lost his old job. But this is the fault of libtardism and not free trade.
It’s important to be clear about what the central issue in the trade issue is: the interference of the federal government that has forced the cost of doing business so high in America, that other countries are now a more favorable location for those businesses.
The cost of doing business in America is the core issue in our economy and will be reversed only by repealing these bone-headed federal government policies and getting the feds out of the way.
So, while Jim016's fault is a mind that swings on an either this or that hinge, your fault is that your mind does not swing at all. Problem - must be libtards. Surely not crony capitalist rats infesting K-street and eating us out of house and home. No things got this way through complex adjustments year by year until the American people cannot take it any more. There is no single cause and no single solution. Declaring we believe in free trade won't make free trade happen. Too many people on our side of the table are getting too rich preventing it from happening.