In ‘13, deBlasio was running for office and all anyone could do was to speculate about his performance. He was inaugurated January 1, 2014. By 2015 he had proven to be very bad.
There is effectively no Republican Party in NYC. Certainly none to count on to recruit a realistic candidate. Occasionally they will get a Rudy Giuliani but that’s it.
If you look at who was running for Mayor of NYC in ‘13, the options (out of 8 million people) were limited. They included deBlasio, Rodney Danger, and the dyke chair of the city council. From that mix, deBlasio appeared to be the best option.
Trump is not a conservative as one perceives the term in certain parishes. At this point, many accept that, but accept also that he is the best, most conservative, and realistically viable opponent to either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.
Trump does have a track record of accomplishing what he sets out to achieve. If he achieves limits on illegal immigration, manages to persuade companies not to leave the country (or to return) and creates an environment that creates jobs, most of us will accept that vs. going off the cliff where we are now headed.
Is there nothing Trumpbots won't do to defend their man.