I work in the financial services industry. News flash: our industry is not fundamentally different than any other industry. Yes we have some bad apples, and yes they make the rest of us look bad. But do we condemn all police officers because a few are bad apples? Do we condemn all priests because a few were bad apples? I should think not. We should condemn all forms of guilt by association. Did Heidi Cruz do anything wrong at Goldman Sachs? Or is this guilt by association? This is wrong guilt by association. And I’m sure Donald Trump over the years has worked very closely with many top notch Wall Street securities and banking firms needed to obtain financing for his projects. If we are going to go down this guilt by association crap, why not begin there?
At least a dozen banks in Miami made suspect loans to foreign nationals for condominiums selling at $500-$600 per square foot. These foreigners were all from Visa Waiver program countries, and skirted the system by purchasing them in an LLC.
When the bubble burst, they fled back to their native soil, never to be held accountable for their actions.
I'm sure you're an honest person, and work with a lot of like minded people. Your industry is fundamentally different, due to the guarantees to your customers that's provided by the federal government: FDIC, SIPC, etc. That's why your industry should be held to higher standards.