I agree that occupation by the United States is, from my POV, superior to being governed by Islamists, Baathists or warlords. It's also clear that the only way to maintain democracy (of a sort) in the middle east is long term occupation.
So, how many countries should we occupy? For how many centuries? McCain thought one hundred years would do it for Iraq. When does your generosity with American blood and money run out?
I don't think bringing democracy to these godforsaken wastelands is worth a single American life. If they want freedom let them fight for it themselves as our forefathers did.
Then maybe they'll appreciate it.
>>So, how many countries should we occupy?
Well, I’d suggest trying to occupy ours again.
That whole “lead by example” thing was working pretty well back circa 1969 IIRC... even in the wreckage left in the wake of the failed [but enormously profitable] revolution of ‘68.
What would Ike do?