If the government succeeds, we will no longer have a reasonable expectation of privacy. The precedent will be set. We can no longer lock our doors without leaving the master key. Our privacy rights will end when the government says it does.
Of course, if I have nothing to hide..../s
The battle is not about access to a particular phone. It is about the principles on which our nation was founded.
The right to privacy is long gone. They can get into everything you have from house to computer to files, anything WITH A search warrant. The can and do listen to your conversations thru walls. What makes it so different with the holiest thing people think they got, a damn cell phone. A particular device I abhor because of all the productivity loss it causes and lives it costs on the highways. Is it that important to keep your phone calls secret to your mother or girl friend? Of course, only those that have something secret that is illegal have anything to worry about like drug dealers or terrorism.
You people complain about the authorities not doing enough for the safety of this country from terrorism but hamstring them when they need new tools. Well which is it, you gonna let your children or fellow Americans die or let us go kill the bad guys?
Apple will lose this in court.