OK. Is that dragon/dinosaur the one saying “Tree Fiddy”, or
is it the dancehall girl saying “Tree Fiddy”?
- And is that $350.00 or $3.50? - I can probably spare $3.50
for the old, nasty dragon; but nothing for the dancehall girl. (I’ll bet I’m poorer than SHE is!) But, the Bible does
read that we are to give to those who ASK us! - (I suspect
that Fang is probably gambling with his buddies over at the
S.C.V., and the dragon/dinosaur is probably even WORSE than
any of those guys over at the S.C.V.!) Let me know what PO
Box to send the $3.50, if it isn’t the saloon girl asking.
If she wants $3.50 from me; she will have to ask me herself!
(Your replies are CONFUSING!)