I keep unsubscribing but still am getting these emails.
Heidi is worried sick...SHEESH! Next his dog will be having a nervious breakdown....so please send $3.
Add the address to your spam list and they will go straight to your junk folder, that way you won’t see them anymore. That’s what I did.
You would think they would be a little more strategic with the emails.
Apparently these emails do work...or they think they work!
Very annoying....though I did donate for the first time today. It was in no way influenced by the emails.
We all know by now that UNSUBSCRIBE does not work. Instead of just deleting, hit the Spam button. I have zero Cruz messages in my Inbox but around 17 in my Spam Folder.
You some kind of a cruel dog hater? Send Cruz that 3 dollars so the Dog can mellow out! /s