A read of the Satanic Koran will turn up 111 individual commandments to kill the unbeliever, strike them at the neck (behead) or enslave them. Not only does it command murder and the enslavement, Islam’s creator and fantasy generator, Mohamhead, is OK in his book with pedophilia.
There is violence in the Old Testament too. But, there is a new covenant with God in the New Testament of redemption that does not condone murder. Rather, it commands its followers to love one another. Love, a word totally absent in the devil’s workbook, the Koran.
Nobody KNOWS the history of Islam, or if they do, and still claim divine inspiration was behind the writing of the Koran, they are the world’s most pop-eyed, apoplectic and apocalyptic apologists. (Bearded men with burning eyes)
There is no way to reconcile the words of the Koran with any of the earlier Scriptures or sacred writings of ANY legitimate religion. Sure, terrible things have been done in the name of other major religions, but those religions went through the necessary reinterpretations and reorganizations to become genuine representations of divine thought and mercy, and as a basis for true justice among men.
Shari’ah Law allows for none of that.