——In America now and in a few years beheading will be the normal. ——
A little hyperbolic...?
Muzzie infiltration is a problem, I would believe anyone trying to behead someone would be shot down like a dog in the street.
“I would believe anyone trying to behead someone would be shot down like a dog in the street.”
Afterward. Maybe. An attack takes seconds to complete, especially if initiated from behind. While this is occurring the likelihood of someone recognizing the act for what it is and being in possession of a sidearm in this day and age of citizen disarmament and complacency as well as having the time and will to engage, indicates assaults and decapitations will occur. As to being “...shot down like a dog in the street.”? Murder charges if the suspect disarms and surrenders. “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” Muslim organizational outcries relating to religious oppression and discrimination which caused the accused to “lash out” will muddy the waters prior to conviction and even if execution is ordered, and is the result, the convict still receives seventy-two virgins as a reward for faithful service to his or her god. Case closed. Next.
Some would argue it would be better to shoot the animal before it bites, while others would prefer its removal beforehand as a precautionary measure. I favor the latter suggestion. Regardless of which course is decided upon I am prepared mentally and physically, including a third eye, to react 24/7/365 at all venues with one day off every four years due to Leap Year.
Semper fidelis