You poor baby. You sound metro sexual (though you may not be) and you should teach your wife to think for herself instead of continuing to heed her libtard parents’ indoctrination.
I’m an NRA rifle instructor, a range safety office, and a former Coast Guard officer.
I grew up in a state full of libtards. Through my experience I became conservative (Reagan and Rush did the job).
I’m not sure you’re old enough to participate in this forum. It’s clear you don’t know much about indoctrination, and no even less about what it takes to get people to trip over the truth for themselves.
Nobody wants to be told what to do, about anything. However, you can create situations where people end up getting ‘mugged by reality’. You can be told the truth a million times, but you don’t embrace it until you have to.
That basically describes most of the left.
Your use of invective gives away your mental age, by the way. You want to sit at the grown up table and talk about weighty matters, you’ll learn to be polite.