Why Won’t People Just Call Ben Carson the Idiot He Clearly Is?
Ok I will: Ben Carson YOUR AN IDIOT!!!
Well Ben is starting to fade because to know him is not necessarily to love him for President.
He’s not an idiot. He’s just in over his head. Being a gifted surgeon does not make someone smart enough to run the country.
It’s easy to write a column slamming Dr. Carson. It’s not brain surgery. He’s clearly not dumb. The good doctor will make an excellent Surgeon General.
Well, because after they are finished detailing all the various ways in which Obama is a lazy, stupid, ignorant, mouthy idiot, there are really no words left with which to criticize anyone else.
Barrett Holmes Pitner is an author who writes on political , race and culture issues. He is also Black.
GOPe RINOs hate Carson.
Ben Carson is not an idiot. One does not rise from miserable abject poverty to become the world’s leading pediatric neuro-surgeon. He’s a crackpot on certain issues but he’s also a brilliant doctor.
“Trump’s campaign tactics make it easier to envision how awful his presidency would be...”
Did you read the article?
This is your champion.
From the article:
“The dichotomies of creating a democracy while also forcefully preventing victims of the African diaspora from participating in their government and subjecting them to oppression and terrorist abuse,”
People don’t call Carson an idiot because shut up commie, that’s why.
Yeah, he’s an idiot. A good, well-meaning idiot. He gave a few liberals a stroke, and that’s a good thing. However, they have succeeded in shutting him up with their deliberately-timed “revelations” a few weeks ago.
Carson should go away now.
Ben Carson is a good person and humble before God. Humility makes a person understand that he is not infallible and that he needs to consult others. Our president thinks he’s the smartest person in the room despite all evidence. Trump is a bombastic blowhard who thinks his riches make him qualified for everything. I’ll take Carson any day.
Because he is black and most Americans are equally as dumb as that box of rocks. Sorry, but America is a cess pool of stupidity. Why say so? They elected King Obama twice and they damn well knew who he was the second term. King Obama, the communists BLACK Muslim TERRORISTS.
Carson is obviously not an idiot. Ben has obviously been coddled for many many years as a Doctor. He suffers from that in the same way as Obama, movie stars are coddled and manipulated. I believe his difference will show in that he has a layer of humility that the others don’t have. He knows he can be wrong sometimes.
It is Pitner who is dumb as a bag or rocks.
I’m not sure I see his admission on relying on experts for advice as a fault. The current President thinks he knows everything about anything and looks at the crappy job he’s doing. A more important question is who he would seek the advice from. Obozo has surrounded himself with Left-wing idiots, causing the resultant stupid policy decisions. Dig around Carson’s answers and ferret out who his advisers would be rather than condemn him for not knowing everything.
The MSM would destroy him.
I knew this back in April. I had, and continue to have much respect and admiration for Dr. Ben as a doctor, as an academic success story. Dr. Carson will forever be a symbol to motivate minorities to study hard, and apply themselves fully to the chosen profession. He has achieved that.
But I could see early on, he was not suited for politics, let alone politics on a national scale. The Doctor has been focused on the physical world of his patients and the spiritual world of faith, the spiritual world that calms and trains the mind. Hopefully, he will be appointed to be the Top Doctor.
I think I read yesterday that one of his own campaign trainers was in the press saying Dr. Ben continues to struggle to understand foreign conflicts now occurring.
That’s someone on Carson’s own team slamming him in public.
Sounds to me, the wheels are coming off anyway.