Now that the kids are moving on, it is big and quiet. But on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, and in the summer, it is full.
A home is meant to be an anchor for one's family. It is amazing to me how quickly our society forgets that.
Most of my family has been transient for three (going on 4) generations now. Follow the military, follow the money, follow the boom, move near someone who’s settled for awhile...
For most of my kids’ lives, we had about 1800 sq ft (for 4 people, a dog and 2 cats). Too much cleaning.
When the kids grew up, hubs and I downsized to 1400 sq ft, then he went to Korea and it was too much house for me and a cat. It just wasn’t worth the expense.
I downsized to 720 sq ft. That was about just right for me. Now that hubs is back, it’s a little crowded. I would like one more bedroom and a dining space.
So, 1200 sq ft is about perfect for the two of us, but I could see us doing fine with less if it were set up practically. (And if the cats could go outside)