I went in one day to get my husband's RX filled after he had gallbladder surgery.
Literally, I went through the inquisition to get it filled. He WANTED me to produce my husband in person because it was in his name. I said, "he's in bed in pain". He almost didn't give it to me.
That’s recent. Even doctors have to confirm with the pharmacy for valium for an 81 yr old friend of my mom’s. But, there has to be a way. The drug companies and the VA are over medicating the vets, and a 49 yr old woman I know overdosed on her pain meds. Bottom line is the buck.
About 1 in 8 people respond very strongly to opioids, so much so that even small amounts pose serious addiction potential. Outside of this subset, a person can get addicted, but primarily through long term use, or moderate use of the most powerful opioids (morphine, heroin, Fentanyl).
Personally, even hydrocodone and codeine (weaker opioids) make me feel bad.