Both my parents in 1985 had high school educations, worked in factories, had this ancient concept called double and triple overtime whenever they wanted, and combined made over six figures. Had a home in the burbs and stuffed our Christmas tree that year with gifts from their end of year bonuses.
Today my poor brother can barely find part-time work at a car repair joint. My mom’s former factory went to mexico, and my dad’s has since been demolished.
I’ll trade the future of Obama and ISIS, for a Reagan and the Soviets any day of the week.
I catch flack from the uber free trade/capitalist/world market bunch when I say I am not a true believer in unrestricted globalist “free trade”. We need to take care of America first. The mantra of adapt of die is great until you see our country die on the vine. I am tired of us having all these regulations and taxes that strangle business and drive it off shore all. That is not free trade. We have successfully given away our advantage in everything by allowing foreigners to come over here and go to school and work in hi-tech areas and then take that knowledge back home to undermine us. Don’t get me started on Clintons and the Chinese. We give everything away including our money which is contrary to our founding fathers’ vision.
There is no easy answer, but shafting American middle and working class by sending all job over seas is not the answer. Not everyone is cut out to be a computer programmer and even if they were if all 180 million of us worked in that field they would find a way to screw that up and send all those jobs overseas as well.
Yeah, but now we have cheap stuff from overseas and the CEOs can afford 5 vacation homes instead of just 2, so it all balances out.