Don’t forget that Sue Storm’s brother The Human Torch became a black man in the Fantastic Four reboot.
Nick Fury (Sgt.Fury of WWII) became a black man.
A lot of talk about making James Bond black.
Black Honeymooners.
On and on.
The black actor in the new Star Wars doesn’t mess with my mind, they are all new tales. To take half century established characters and change their skin color is historical revisionism.
Well, as long as they don’t make Amos and Andy black.
Next up: Whoopi Goldbberg as Snow White. And the prince who awakens her with love’s sweet kiss is Rosie O’Donnell.
The wishful thinking/social engineering in Hollywood’s bizarro world doesn’t bother me either; seeing any of these movies would be like seeing a foreign film (and with few exceptions, I don’t watch foreign films).
They see a niche where they can rake in some dough - go for it!