This is not the first time Donald Trump's campaign has denied credentials to reporters.
Huffington Post senior political reporter
Scott Conroy states that his credentials were cut off in July, the same time the site decided to put all news about Trump under entertainment.
This is not the first time Donald Trump's campaign has denied credentials to reporters. Huffington Post senior political reporter Scott Conroy states that his credentials were cut off in July, the same time the site decided to put all news about Trump under entertainment. If the next President played hardball like Obama, the Huffpo whores would find themselves on the receiving end of federal investigations for anything that can be pinned on them.
It's long past time that we smashed the existing media system with the power of the Federal government and next time we get to wield it, that is what we should do.
Obama routinely threatens people and follows through on those threats. We need to play us some of that hard ball. These left wing apparatchiks need to be shown why it's a bad idea to misuse power.