Part of the reason so many of us feel optimistic about a Trump Presidency is that we recognize that it’s not enough to have a President who believes all the right things. It’s just as important to have a President who can accomplish what he sets out to do. What good is having the perfect conservative, if he has no ability to get what he stands for implemented?
Trump has shown that he has a knack for accomplishing things. He can cajole, lean on people, bargain with them to get things done. Part of getting things done as a President is dealing with Congress, and getting them to pass what you want them to pass.
And what conservative things has he done?
Walker has proven he can get conservative things done. Jindal has proven he can get conservative things done. Cruz has done amazing considering the party leadership has fought him at every step.
It will be interesting to see how people here and elsewhere in the conservative world would act when he makes a deal with the Dems to get something done when for years we’ve watched conservatives practically screaming for purges any time an elected Republican even considers compromising with the left.