Always purchase/hire from the HIGHEST bidder, right?
If OPEC jacks up the price of oil, we should never consider producing more.
Competition works wonders. High priced elitists should deliver more bang for the buck if they want to justify those higher salaries.
The whining about H1B visas sounds suspiciously like union members complaining about “scabs”.
Or Ivy League grads touting their being part of an intellectual superior tribe rather than actually doing a better job.
May the best man win, not the one with the best political connections.
So what is your chosen field? Maybe we can flood it with hundreds of thousands of scabs to take yo livelihood.. But I doubt a moron like you is a field that even pays enough to have a scab visa replacement. Your type of work is going to uneducated Mexicans.
Funny how all the free marketeers want supply and demand to work things out except when it comes to high tech workers, then they want the government to intervene on the Corporations behalf. Hypocrites all.
They do - by my observation, 19 out of every 20 people who have been in a position to evaluate the work of H-1Bs report that they are script-driven drones. In theory we could simply let the next-quarterly-report driven corporations reap the eventual consequences of valuing cheap over truly qualified - the problem is that they'll gut the American middle class in the meantime.
One problem with that - the guest worker programs are not about competition. They’re about obtaining the least free individual.
H1B is “based” on the idea that there are NOT enough employees to fill the positions. Not that they cost too much.
In reality, there are many, many qualified US employees who would compete, but not for below minimum wage and violating wage laws in the US.
So, companies complain they don’t have anyone to fill positions, put too many qualifications on a role, and then bring in slave H1B labor.
It has nothing to do with competition, it is corporate welfare.