If I have to spell it out because
1: Cruz isn’t a liar. He does not say one thing and counter it 2 days later with some nebulous ‘if the work hard’ liberal excuse.
2: Cruz is not a fraud. He has been in one belief system all his life...conservatism...and does not stick a finger in the wind.
3: Cruz is more solid on both social and economic issues than any member of any party including indys.
4: Cruz does not back the gay agenda as a whole or ANY of it’s parts.
5: Cruz is rock solid on issues of faith/freedom. Trump is not.
6: Cruz does not stand to lose entire companies by signing bills that could negatively impact his holdings. Thus he is unconflicted. See Repatriating US labor.
We can start there.
Well I would say Trump’s position on increasing American employment takes precedence over all of yours.
But your opinion obviously differs.
I think Donald and Ted have more in common with each other, than they have different.
I think Donald and Ted have more different, and the same, with a number of the other candidates.
All I am saying is, I don’t believe it does any of us any good, for you guys to always be jumping onto Trump threads, doing nothing but criticising the guy.
He’s got more b_lls than the entire rest of the field, in both parties.
Bar none.