Probably got a phone call from Hillary. ;-)
Horse’s head on his bed from Hillary?
heh heh
He’s in Iowa.
He was just in Iowa:
He tweets every day if you want to keep an eye on him:
He needs to re-boot his campaign and go full Marxist...praise Stalin, Mao and Fidel:))
,,,,,,,because of Martin O’Malley Maryland is 48 Billion dollars in debt . He is the inventor of the RAIN TAX and 40 other taxes imposed on Marylanders during his administration . Maryland residents are leaving Maryland in droves ,,, how will they make up for the lost revenues ???
He has to be one of the lamest candidates to come along. In a field that is begging to have an answer to the front runner, the best he can come up with is shirtless pics of himself. The socialist Bernie Sanders is putting up the best fight against Hillary. I’ll give Bernie credit for one thing, at least he’s honest and calls himself a socialist. Unlike the rest of his Dem counterparts...
It was all a ruse from the beginning. O’Malley’s announcement was made so it would look like the Hildebeest had some legitimate competition.