Just a thought - but these are going to quickly become targets for vandals and thieves. Probably something Google isn’t thinking about.
Unmanned, wealthy corporate vehicle coming through the hood after dark? Get the rocks ready!
Yeah I think this thing is being exaggerated. I mean how does it know the difference between a rock in the road and a paper bag or the difference between leaves in the road and broken glass? Or how about when a cop want you to pull over, does it recognize lights in the rear view mirror? This thing cannot be driving at any reasonable speed.
“I have always wondered how the Google Car handles situations like this”
With a lot of sensors-
How does it handle driving through a riot area?
Exactly. There are numerous real life situations like that that I can think of. Something as simple as anticipating what another vehicle might do based on gut feel of looking at what the other driver is looking at or doing. Many times I have avoided a problem by “knowing” what that other driver might do. If a computer waits for a problem to begin, it is already way too late.