I don't know. They're not my kids.
And that's the b***h. So, I've got to go through the place and gather all the firearms, unload them and hide 'em.
Except for my personal carry stuff.
I literally have at least two long guns and a handgun...loaded and one in the pipe...in every room of my house. I'm within a step or two of having a gun in my hand no matter where I am in the house.
So, like I say: It's a b***h and I'm twitchy until I can get stuff spread out and loaded up like I'm used to. Eddie Eagle...I wish I could just keep 'em from chewing on the furniture!
I was thinking of getting a Walmart long gun safe for that, but hate to put them where anybody could find them right away, even if they're "safely" locked up. Hate to lose a finger or toe as the price for not giving up the combination.