Posted on 05/18/2015 9:10:03 PM PDT by fatima
Why do you care so much about this young woman’s life? From your post, your “care” does not seem genuine.
I’m just responding to people like you.
My first post was about the Bing headline I saw that said her future husband was already married.
That was all I had to say.
I’ve never said I “care” about this woman - I don’t know anything about her except headlines that have stuck in my memory.
I said I feel sorry for her because her personal life is national news.
My comments were completely harmless.
The things people like you are saying about my comments are completely bizarre.
Maybe you should consider your own comments as “bizarre” ... Have you considered that possibility?
Sure, I’ll consider that.
Put one of my comments in quotes.
Then explain why it’s bizarre.
Actually I truly did not look at this as about YOU.
It’s not often I comment on Palin threads because they draw those still obsessed with her. Not that I mind fan clubs...but it’s just become a show anymore trying even to comment or say anything that doesn’t hail this family. It’s really sad to see because I can remember when people here were open to discussion even when it might not agree with their position regarding Sarah and the family.
It’s not often I comment on Palin threads because they draw those still obsessed with her. Not that I mind fan clubs...but it’s just become a show anymore trying even to comment or say anything that doesn’t hail this family. It’s really sad to see because I can remember when people here were open to discussion even when it might not agree with their position regarding Sarah and the family.
Wow, how noble of you to hold back your commentary!
Re: “Actually I truly did not look at this as about YOU.”
You just said I should consider that MY comments are bizarre.
Then, in the next post, you say this is not about ME?
I have no idea how to respond to that.
Nice chatting with you. truly ARE self centered....
All I did was quote a headline from Bing.
Beam me up, Scotty!
Amazing how you are so obsessed with Bristol Palin. Kind of creepy.
I guess that would be Bristol’s Mom lookin’ right at your foolish self?
Regarding salacious headlines in recent days about secret wives, Dakota and I discussed our past relationships prior to our engagement. Dakota was legally divorced years ago, as any good reporter could and should have disclosed to readers. As usual, false stories and dramatically written headlines begging controversy should be disregarded, and we have faith that our privacy will be respected at this time by those with decency. Thank you! Bristol
The “Palin Protectorate” here on FR, while much smaller, has gotten a lot more aggressive and vitriolic.
Dakota Meyer is the source of this “scurrilous lie”.
That was Bristol’s posting, not her mother’s.
-——It’s simply not plausible that Bristol Palin would do anything of the sort, violating one of Almighty God’s Ten Commandments.-——
Are you being sarcastic?
Or just delusional ?
Every human being on the planet violates the Ten Commandments every single some form or fashion...
Nobody is perfect, she has already shown herself to make some serious errors in her life, doesn’t make her a bad person, just a flawed human...
We have no idea if he divulged this to her before the media got a hold of it. I think it would give me pause to find out my soon to be husband had married before and failed to tell me. If the relationship is meant to be it will be. In God's time.
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