They need to make the locks on these doors open when the presence of 12 thumbprints are placed on the door, I know it is a challenge, but people will work together when there is a crazy.
Outstanding idea. Is that yours?
That’s a good idea and I’m sure other brilliant ideas will surface to fix this unexpected problem.
Too bad Harold didn’t get the number and take control...
And any group intent on getting into the pilots cabin could, with a few box cutters, get 12 people to place their fingers on the cabin door.
so 12 hijackers could get in the cockpit with just their thumbprints?
“They need to make the locks on these doors open when the presence of 12 thumbprints are placed on the door...”
Then there will be 13 people on the plane who coincidentally share the same first name, and I’m sure that you can guess what that might be.
The pilot would just put the plane in a nosedive and that would be that.
Pilot depressurizes cabin - no 12 thumbprints.
First step is to require two people in the cockpit at all times, so if a pilot leaves, a flight attendant goes in.
Or just require the pilots to stay in the cockpit at all time. Pee in a can, if necessary.
Way better is to give the air crew the ability to turn control over to a ground crew in an emergency. Make it irrevocable unless the ground crew willingly relinquished control back to the air team. Disable the cockpit controls entirely. And automate the turnover so that if the aircraft behaved erratically, the option would be taken out of manual hands.
It would be allot easier for them to have a key given to the pilot and co-pilot to use when they leave the cockpit.
So future hijackers will just have to travel in groups of 12 or more?
Upon boarding, issue every passenger one of the small baseball bats that truckers use to "Thump" their tires. If any individual or group tries to hijack the aircraft, the passengers have at least an equal vote.
Not bad, as long as there is better, El Al style screening of passengers. Because the 9/11 planes had 10 thumbs willing to bring a plane down....