I actually do see it way more often in comments on various articles of black on white crime. People are getting angry. The race pimps overplayed their hands with the Ferguson Riot and the dumbed down Gruberized population is finally waking up.
Look at the mug shot. He is a natural born killer. He has no use to society.
Prayers for the officer and may the evil shooter rot in hell.
Yes, more and more people are realizing that all we bought with five decades of “reparations” was hatred, resentment, and rampant crime.
Even liberals thought this would be addressed by aborting the “golden ticket welfare bastards”; they didn’t realize that as long as there is financial incentive to breed then these people would never be aborting the moneymakers. Teen pregnancies in urban areas aren’t accidents; they are the expected outcome when someone is nearing the end of high school (the last “free” schooling) with no job skills (not even passable English) and they want to be set up in their own apartment. They receive free rent, food, cash, cellphones, etc.