Lincoln was no more racist than you or I. He held attitudes that were mainstream for the era. He also advocated voluntary repatriation.
The confederacy enshrined slavery in their constitution effecting precluding any "natural death". The confederates had zero desire to see slavery end.
If you really care I would suggest you research Lincoln more. He was no friend of slaves.
I would love to claim him (Lincoln)as a great defender of equal rights because he was a republican and it looks like it would be fun to throw that in the face of modern day democrats but the fact is he was only using the slaves and slavery as a means to his end which was more Fed Gov power.
Thank you for not attacking me as a racist.
The issue of slavery was much more complicated than just “ending it”. Imagine the issues that would surround such a major change at that time, that is the considerations that had to be dealt with.
Slaves and slave owners did not have the relationship that is commonly promoted in modern movies and “historical” accounts. Any honest researcher can find this however we have been so conditioned that the general public has no idea what reality of those arrangement where.
I would argue most blacks are more indentured today to the State and Fed Gov than slaves were to their”owners” during slavery.